
Shruti Tandra Boinpally is a Health & Wellness advocate based in South Florida, she also offers diet formulating workshops and wellness programs for some leading Health and Wellness chains and doctors in South India. Shruti’s areas of expertise include Lifestyle modification diets, Reversing insulin resistance, PCOS (Polycystic-Ovarian Syndrome) and inflammation. She offers constant dedicated support to leading gynaecologists and cosmetologists to help women with PCOS, Acne, PMS, weight loss and inflammation.

Shruti’s versatile academic background aids her ability in synergizing conventional medicine to dietary management for maximum optimization. She graduated as a Biotechnologist in 2008, went on to pursue her first Masters in Business Marketing from Newcastle University, U.K and graduated in May, 2010. Her candid interest in Health & Wellness propelled her into pursuing a Masters program in Cosmetology while simultaneously interning at Anoo’s, a leading Health and Wellness player in South India. She later went onto conquer 3 Diplomas in CIDESCO and CIPTAC, her avid passion led her onto standing first in her batch of students from Mumbai, India. 

Shruti took on a teacher’s training program and was officially the internal examiner for CIDESCO examinations through the years 2014-2016 at the prestigious Anoo’s International Beauty School (AIBS) and was appointed the Director of School Operations. Helping clients and students through her cosmetological background didn't feed her soul as she still felt cosmetic practices and aesthetic benefits couldn't be a permanent fix until the nutrition and health paradigm were fixed, knowing what to feed your body to harmonise hormones for a healthy glowing skin or a slim waistline was a trick of trade that she wished to unlock, this intriguing approach lead her onto managing the Health and Obesity wing at Anoo's investigating into hundreds of client sheets almost every week. Helping clients loose weight was a NO BRAINER, it was a code unlocked many decades earlier but the challenge arised when she had to plan a strategic lifestyle plan that did not include any fat reversal or slowing metabolism, this seemed almost counterintuitive as stress was pervasive, diet alone couldn’t be restricted far long as our bodies adapted in less than 4-6 weeks to every diet plan. Her intriguing nature prompted her into going down the rabbit hole to explore how Genetics could be controlled by Epigenetic factors and Lifestyle modifications were reversing most metabolic conditions. This is how health coaching eclipsed her practice and now she educates doctors on the importance of Nutrition & Lifestyle and different holistic tools involved in preventing disease and reversing metabolic syndrome without leaning on medications. 

She is a believer in alternative medicine and has tried out the 21 day Panchakarma,(an intense Ayurvedic Detoxification protocol) in Kerala-India to evaluate its benefits on herself to suitably suggest this approach for her clients who might benefit from it.



Food is MEDICINE however, can be POISON, it is the only medium that enters our body every single day and dictates blood changes positively or negatively to drive our biological markers. As much as globalisation has made our life easy, big companies have succeeded at influencing our eating patterns and cultures, this has left us with waist lines ballooning each year, the sick getting sicker and the fat getting fatter.

 As a health expert and enthusiast myself I experience the bliss in eating clean for a cleaner MIND & witnessed the numerous physical benefits attributed to it, some of us live a compromised life in pain and discomfort accepting and conforming to the common beliefs circulating around health and wellness. There are plenty of misconstrued beliefs prevailing in society today, it is not common to PMS around your cycle, bloat/belch post a meal, fall prey to a pre-disposed genetic condition or experience hot flashes around menopause, most of these can be attributed to a poor lifestyle. Like most i didn't believe lifestyle modification could be so effective until i experienced it myself. I was successful at reversing all of my PMS symptoms, migraines, back pain, sugar cravings, poor sleep habits, difficulty getting out of bed, fatigue and now sustain robust immunity, linear energy through the day, managing 3 successful sources of income without having to compromise on motherhood duties.

We build HEALTH our only true WEALTH almost every single day, I believe LIVING a clean lifestyle offers much more than you can perceive it to do, therefore I believe it should not be an unanswered dream for anyone due to approachability & time constraints. My practice includes online coaching and counselling, combining the present day research to formulate personalised diets that upstage the conventional practice of ONE DIET/LIFESTYLE plan fits all, my online practice ensures I can reach out to a vast majority of population crunched on time, it is the knowledge I would love to share with everyone to enrich their lives bringing them a step closer to explore their true genetic potential.

I have tried different dietary approaches and fasting protocols (58 hour fast this year which i intend to make 7 days soon) over the past years to seek benefits personally and documented every detail to help my clients.

I don’t believe in being a Charlatan, neither do i say i know it all, we will never know it all, nobody does !!! Science evolves every single day challenging us to unlearn, sometimes regress and other times progress in a direction we had never imagined.

We all know what foods give us health and what destroy it, I am here to help you educate what foods can help you achieve your goals, overcome auto-immune conditions, reverse lifestyle disorders, improve your blood work, promote linear energy through the day. I am here to jump start your health keying into the scientific approaches and protocols designed by ingenious doctors practicing functional medicine around the globe who have left conventional doctors question their practice.

Health is my religion and religion is something that does not change, so are my work ethics.




"Rome wasn't built in a day, you build health every single day"


Alzcheimer's disease (also known as type-3 diabetes of the brain), cancer, diabetes-2 take over 10 years before they show first signs of disease. You would have often heard people say ''Oh he/she was absolutely well until last week before they got hospitalised'', well metabolic disease/illness doesn't manifest overnight its the result to chronic stress, poor diet and lifestyle. A recent study estimates a ''three'' fold increase in Obesity and Diabetes type-2 by the year 2050. This is alarming and calls for an immediate shift in mindset of 'comfort binge' and poor lifestyle, with a myriad toxins surrounding us in the form of harmful plastic, cosmetics, GMO-foods, pesticide slathered gardens, antibiotics loaded meat, chemically polluted fish, water and air it calls for an immediate attention to improve our lifestyle and educate ourselves on the food we eat to make wiser choices for our families.

My practice includes educating clients on the importance of a lifestyle modification, help them look at food beyond calories and macros, help them understand its impacts on blood and disease, empowering them with tools to make safer choices. We device meal plans and exercise regimens for fat loss and sustainable living, evaluating individual body type, blood work, food cravings, perceiving biological signals and address them suitably. I am personally not a believer in quick fixes, weekly/monthly body transformations, cheat meals or exercising to punish yourself for eating wrong, neither will I/do I advocate such ill practices to my clients as temporary goals only destroy my zeal. The secret to a disease free life is food education, it helps us make wiser choices, learning about what goes into our food, understanding where and how it was grown/sourced and how these practices can affect your health, choosing a sustainably healthy lifestyle, if that means only exercising once a week with staying active through each day, so be it. We live in an age where there are myths surrounding fat loss, we constantly demonize carbohydrates, fats and worship protein as a macro nutrient, however human intelligence must take precedence whilst making such choices to suit out sedentary/physically demanding individual needs for enhanced health, apply the saying ‘One man’s FOOD other man’s POISON’, this is where we step in to translate esoteric health to you.

 Our bodies hold fat for a purpose, there is beauty in embracing it while working scientifically to replace it to nominal levels. Disease/disorder is not a defeat our bodies face but rather the first line of alert to survival mode, I respect these indicators thus work in co-ordination to strengthen my clients innate mechanisms through dietary changes to reverse conditions with their consent. 

The best way to conquer self-discipline is through streamlining food habits. It is easy to call an obese person unmotivated, an alcoholic undisciplined, however in some way or the other all of us fall prey to some form of taste addiction and there is a far beyond science available that explains these genetic, neurotransmitter, hormonal responses which demand us to crave, eat and appear a certain way. Sugar, salt, spice, dairy, caffeine, processed carbohydrates have the ability to enhance and reduce the taste of food, when their requirements exceed they pilfer the true essence of flavor and draw addictive instincts within us disrupting our normal biological balance. We strengthen the tastes and emotions we feed. Alternative medicine attributes these chemical food imbalances to failure in gratifying the pleasure centers of the body, when the creative mind, genitals are under-stimulated, the tongue demands over-stimulation. The good news is we have evolved to solving these problems today using the right approach.



Over the past few months I had a wonderful opportunity interviewing top notch doctors from various walks of life in my country who in co-ordination agree most drugs only work to fullest efficacy when the diet and lifestyles are reset. I hosted multiple workshops on reversing metabolic syndrome (obesity, abnormal blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, heart stroke, diabetes-2, PCOS) to groups of doctors and wellness clinic representatives, who invited me to train their nutritionists and formulate diets for their clients. I also conduct flexible online classes on various modules for new mom’s, wellness enthusisats, obesity clinic reps, MSc cosmetology students.

I started my journey helping family & friends overcome health hurdles that were stopping them from reaching their life’s true potential, sometimes only a single migraine or PMS cramp can ruin your important day at work and painkillers only mean adding fuel to fire, though they temporarily block the pain and promote relief we unconciously enter a vicious loop that needs to be broken vigilantly, I was able to identify and eliminate the foods causing immense damage to their system and it was enthralling to find out apples were causing heartburns in some, nuts aggravated bloating, grains instigated autoimmunity,  working out 3 days a week gave more fatloss results compared to 6 days a week. So what was happening ??? aren’t these the foods conventional health experts recommened, so the moment your eating healthy are you safe, does this mean you can eat them in undefined amounts ?? Do you acknowledge ‘’Too much of a Good thing can be a Bad thing’’ it doesn’t stop there, the good foods in combinations with other ‘healthy’ perceived foods can be slow poison weakening our aura and immunity paving way to new health challenges each decade, worrisme conditions we never heard of before. The thumb of rule remains the same for diets, when we begin from the Atkins, surpass Keto, appreciate the Paleo and respect the Koscher or follow the Low carb and Intermittent fasting protocol each of it were devised by practitioners and doctors for a reason with a prime responsibility to cure, reverse or heal certain conditions in their patients, these when irresponsibly applied by common man for weightloss goals do equal bad as wrongly prescribed medications, hence there is prudence in taking guidance of a qualified coach and practicing these protocols.

 I am only a missing link between you and your doctor, I am NOT a doctor, i don’t intervene into your doctor’s prescriptions, neither do i treat/control disease, I am a Health coach/counselor in practice working in compliance with a group of supportive doctors utilizing my evolving scientific knowledge in nutrition and health analyzing and preparing a lifestyle schedule for clients helping them reverse these challenging conditions.