Evaluating existing lifestyle, dietary habits, concerns, amends in correcting them & working on changes appropriately.
- Identifying problematic foods and eradicating them.
- Suitable suggestions on a balanced diet
- Insight into understanding why diet related concerns exist.
- Learning to read food labels to make smarter choices.
- Guidance on choosing the right foods & fixing basic lifestyle concerns.
A thorough individual Body Type Assessment , based on where you hold body fat, how this pattern creates specific food cravings, deeper insight into which workouts & foods yield best results for your body type.
Includes a 4 week diet & supplementation plan to jump start your metabolism and re-train your taste buds.
- Scientifically applied nutritional approach to calculating MACROS :: your Protein : Fats : Carbohydrate : fibre requirements for the day.
- Calculating your Resting Metabolism and detailed information on understanding BMR.
- Charting realistic fat loss goals through individual Body Type Assessment
- Suggestions on suitable exercise strategy with regards to your body type.
insight consult
Intrigued to educate yourself over dawning nutritional concerns ? This plan is for you !!!
Ruling out hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, hair loss concerns, abdominal belly fat, parasites, yeast overgrowth, identifying common deficiencies. Addressing concerns through foods that heal inflammation.
- Individual Body Type Assessment
- Balanced Nutritional Plan for first 4 weeks
- 3x phone support per week
- Guidance on suitable Supplementation
- Few anti-inflammatory recipes to start you up
This Plan caters to infants/children (over 5 months of age)
Suitable for the modern age Super-Mamma who has a constant quest to upgrade her knowledge on her child's growing needs to fight uninvited confusing nutritional advice/challenges coming her way.
Simple 3 ingredient recipes to avoid overwhelming the tender tummies and indigestion, 3x phone/texting support, identifying food-intolerances and NON-GMO infant formula recommendation support.
7 Whole food nutrient dense recipes every month
Healthy replacements for commercially packaged Genetically Modified conventional baby formulas
Detailed Recipe Preparation and Grocery Support
Unlimited Phone support for 4 weeks
Esoteric Infant Immunity Support Recipes
lifestyle modification PLAN
It takes 21 days to make a HABIT, 90 days to transform it into a LIFESTYLE
This plan replenishes your pantry with healthy replacements, 20+ recipes to suit your taste buds and enhance gut microbial-diversity to strengthen immunity and fight disease
A personalized gradual approach to avoid shocking the body through overwhelming changes, step by step guidance over miniscule changes progressing over the weeks to prepare for life.
Complimentary detailed nutritional guidance for ONE family member who adds value to your goals, choose between a spouse/child/parent/sibling.
- Journaling weekly goals to compare perspective over time.
- Suitable supplementation from uncontroversial brands to avoid cross interference with foods.
- Importance of electrolytes and hydrating appropriately.
- Suggestions on suitable exercise strategy with regards to your body type.
- Blood work evaluation, comparing results over three months.
- Working in loop with your personal physician or my group of functional medicine doctors.
- Unlimited Phone/Email Support
- Meal planning and personalised recipe support to choose your palate.